
17 June 2010

Swan Lake at Royal Albert Hall

Swan Lake Royal Alert Hall Review

“Derek Deane's critically acclaimed production of Swan Lake caused a sensation at its premiere in 1997 and has since been enjoyed by over 350,000 people, captivating audiences worldwide.”[Royal Albert Hall]

I went to see the English National Ballet performing this beautiful production of Swan Lake last night to Tchaikovsky's score. It really was well worth the trip. Not being able to afford the enviable box seats (with champagne reception), and pricier stalls, we settled for front row seats in the Circle but 90° west of the front. The Albert Hall was more than able to cater for this distorted view and, in fact our seats were superb. Best view ever!

The performance and sheer number of dancers exquisitely catered for the 360° view offered by the Albert Hall. Noteworthy, was the first appearance of the corps de ballet. I was astonished as an growing number of ballerinas filtered on to the stage, 60 in total (although this was a little distracting as I had to count twice – they kept moving about!)

The pas de quatre reminded me a little of Terry Pratchett’s 'luggage’ at first, with 8 little feet (8) moving about individually and the 4 dancers moving smoothly as one body, but then they did some very impressive and fun moves, no idea what these are called but I mean to find out!

On top of these, I really enjoyed shadow watching when the prima ballerina and her man were on, they were surrounded by shadows, very cool to watch. I’m starting to develop a real taste for watching the floor when I go to the ballet!

Oh and the music... I really liked the trumpet solo too, maybe a cornet.

I would see this again, and again. Fantastic venue and memorable production plus the outfits and lighting were beautiful.

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