
25 June 2010

Days Out: Cambridge Botanic Garden

Cambridge Botanic Garden, map The map...

Very useful for getting about! There is quite a lot to cover here...

Cambridge Botanic Garden pond

We started near the Lake/pond,
admiring the bird life and trying to figure out what was what.

Cambridge Botanic Garden, scented garden
The scented garden is always my favourite bit of a botanic garden.
Here, it smelt wonderful
and reminded me of the Rose garden near Duras
where I dragged my parents last summer.

We ended up ordering afternoon tea
which consisted of rose shaped scones, with rose petal jam and rose leaf tea!!
Also, I discovered Escapade roses here.
They smell beautiful.

Cambridge Botanic Garden, stump
A botanic stump!

Cambridge Botanic Garden,  big leaf

This leaf was spectacularly big

Cambridge Botanic Garden,  alien
Alien lifeform, well not really. This was a really freaky plant though.
About 3 foot tall too!

Cambridge Botanic Garden, hot plant
Ha, do you see the sun glasses!! And also the amazing cactus type plant.
We saw a Staghorn fern here too.
It was a pretty freaky growth stuck on the roof with massive horns..

Cambridge Botanic Garden, pink flowers
Pink flowers. Beautiful

Cambridge Botanic Garden, pinwheel


  1. Those sunglasses are excellent

  2. Like the botanic stump and the pinwheel - geometry really pleases me - but what beats natural delights, and hands down might I add, are indeed those extremely stylish shades :)
