
6 August 2010

Monsegur 24h du Swing' jazz festival, Aquitane, France

Sweet Dixie, 24h du Swing jazz Monsegur

Monsegur is a gorgeous little French bastide town in Aquitaine France. In the centre of the little town it has a 19th century iron covered market which often hosts the smelly fish stall! It was around this structure that 24h du Swing' jazz festival was held.

Les Jazpilleurs, 24h du Swing jazz Monsegur

On the first night we relaxed in the cafes situated in the cloisters around the square, soaking up the ambience, chatting and enjoying some jazz. We repeated this on Saturday, as tickets were pretty pricey and we’d decided to spend the whole day in the Tilleuls on Sunday to make the most of our money!!! It was well worth it. Sunday's jazz was excellent especially Les Jazpilleurs and Sweet Dixie jazz off, although it did get a little loud with acts like Rachael Magidson Quintet and Bere Combo.

We reclined with a few friends, several carafes of rose, and a deck of cards. Bliss....

Bere Combo, 24h du Swing jazz Monsegur

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