
14 September 2010

Krakow Churches and Basillicas

Franciszka Basillica (Franciscan Church) Krakow

Introducing Stanisław Wyspiański and the best stained glass I have ever seen.
From the outside the Franciscan Church looks unremarkable. It is, in fact, my favourite building in the whole of Krakow.

Once you've wandered through the over sized church doors, and admired the art deco wall-paper you' might notice a mighty stained glass window towering over you. It'll blow you away. This is 'God the Father' pictured above. It is jaw dropping.

Here, for your enjoyment, is some more of Wyspiański's work that can be admired in the Fransiscan Basillica:

You really should see it for yourself. Wow.

St. Bernada Chruch, Krakow. Near the Wawal.

Many churches in Krakow feature a large amount of glitzy gold and marble with decoration covering every facet. St. Bernada’s Church is not alone in this. But it's funny how, even as someone struggling with religion, this stuff blows you away. You are struck, stone still, just lost in the magnificent sculptures, overwhelming altars and sheer attention to beauty.

St. Michala-Stanislawa Church, Krakow

St. Anne's Church, Krakow

I love this Church too. I love that it isn't quite as gold as all the rest and I love that it still has the ability to consume you. I also love the freaky relief stuff. Angels faces pushing through the walls, but trapped in time. Really cool stuff!

I've long been a fan of plaster relief, since I was introduced to Norway's Gustav Vigeland.
St. Anne's Church, Krakow
St. Anne's Church, Krakow
St. Anne's Church, Krakow

St. Anne's Church, Krakow

1 comment:

  1. Like being back there myself! And you're right, if these can inspire awe in us sceptics, imagine what they did to believers back when they were built... (And still do today, I'm guessing.)
